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Nov 22, 2023 16:47

HENBBO is expanding its Eastern European segment and has added support for the Bulgarian language

The Henbbo Fund continues to work on creating comfortable conditions for using its services in Eastern European countries. The implementation of this program has already allowed us to adapt our online platform for operation in Poland and Ukraine.
Partly thanks to this, over the last 6 months, the number of our clients in these countries has grown by a total of 68%, and the investment volume has increased accordingly by $6.4 million. And these numbers continue to rise.
The next country in the region for which the company is adapting the interface of its online platform is Bulgaria. This small state in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula has a population of just over 6.5 million people. The average annual GDP of Bulgaria is approximately $160 billion, or $23,000 per person.
Currently, Bulgarian legislative acts do not contain provisions directly related to the regulation of cryptocurrency activities. Bulgaria also does not have an official legal definition of cryptocurrencies and aligns its legal approach with the policies of the European Union.
This provides significant opportunities, as cryptocurrencies here do not fall under the definition of financial instruments. This means that local businesses and crypto enthusiasts have no restrictions on using their own digital assets.
Thus, despite its small size, Bulgaria is a very promising market for expanding Henbbo's services. The first step in this direction is the support for the Bulgarian language on the company's official online platform.
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