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Dec 8, 2023 22:42

The district court has postponed the hearing on the removal of the SEC asset freeze on Henbbo.

This week marked the first court hearing for Henbbo's lawsuit in response to the restrictions on access to a portion of its assets initiated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Henbbo's lawyers provided the court with all necessary documents for the company's case. They also filed a motion to lift all previously imposed restrictions on the company's assets.
While the motion and case materials were accepted for review, the court will be able to make a decision only after a thorough examination. Therefore, the court has decided to postpone the hearing of Henbbo's case against the SEC to January 10, 2024.
As a result, we are compelled to extend the deposit placement terms for investors who made deposits before November 6 by 68 days, instead of the previously announced 35 days, at a rate of 0.1% per day and 330%. For deposits made after November 6, these restrictions do not apply, and the standard terms of all available plans remain in effect.
Seize the opportunity to gain additional profit for the upcoming New Year celebrations and stake on any plan of your choice on the Henbbo 2.0 investment platform.
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