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Jan 12, 2024 17:08

The New York District Court has ruled in favor of the Henbbo fund.

On January 10, 2024, hearings in the New York District Court concluded regarding the petition filed by the Henbbo fund for an audit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
According to the court's decision, all restrictions on access to Henbbo's assets will be completely lifted. Additionally, there are no longer any limitations on deploying the HNBT token ecosystem and its further market promotion.
The New York court's decision in favor of our company is very timely. It will allow Henbbo to resume its full operations, resume asset transactions, and continue the active promotion of the HNBT token and its ecosystem.
The withdrawal of funds, which were pending SEC approval, will be carried out gradually over two weeks, starting from January 15, 2024.
The court's decision was positively received by participants in the crypto market – within one day, the HNBT price doubled. Furthermore, we have already received several new investment proposals from major crypto projects. This indicates investors' trust in the Henbbo fund and, in particular, the NNBT coin.
At Henbbo, we are confident that the removal of restrictions on our token will inevitably lead to increased demand and a rise in its value, consequently attracting new investors.
Don't miss your chance to profit from the growing trends of HNBT with Henbbo! Invest today, because tomorrow will be more expensive!
Henbbo – Smart investments will change your life!